Why Pixar’s Sparkshorts is a great idea

Who better to describe what the program/initiative is trying to accomplish than the president of Pixar Animation Studios:

“The SparkShorts program is designed to discover new storytellers, explore new storytelling techniques, and experiment with new production workflows. These films are unlike anything we’ve ever done at Pixar, providing an opportunity to unlock the potential of individual artists and their inventive filmmaking approaches on a smaller scale than our normal fare.” 

-Jim Morris

So up-and-coming artists wishing to take a chance at filmmaking have not only a chance and opportunity but the backing of one of the most popular and successful Animation Studios.  This is a smart move seen on many levels: the masters can learn from new filmmakers and the new storytellers are able to hone their craft working with an already established animation studio.  If the partnership is beneficial there is a wealth of talent already familiar with.

As more animations come out I will most certainly write more about each one individually.  This is a great opportunity to see the raw emotion that can be put into animation and the untapped imagination.  Linked bellow is the Pixar website if you want to find out more and check out more videos.

Pixar Animation Studios Sparkshorts